In October 2007 the Horizon Nevada Uranium, Inc. began staking out a Lode Mining Claim in the South Park Ranches Subdivision. The name of the claim is SPK 22. The NOTICE AND CERTIFICATE OF LOCATION is viewable off line.
The financial impact and health risk that will result from any well drilling exploration and following In-Suti Extraction process are enormous. Property values of this subdivision and surrounding subdivision will drop dramatically and substantially lower the tax base for the county. Add to this the uncertainties of the health risks involved and the very real potential of ruining the underground aquafiers and quality of residential well water, this pending mining activity is a disaster looming over our collective heads.
It is imperative that the property owners of South Park unite to do whatever is legally viable to stop this mining company from proceeding any further. They have already alerted the Park County Commissioners and Planning Department of their intentions. They have painted the very best picture possible to convince the Board of Commissioners, the County News Media, the uninformed public that only good things will be the outcome of their activities. The truth in this matter is that the company is only out to profit their stock holders and their concern for the local public welfare is a low priority and of incidental concern. When they ruin our water, depreciate our property value, jeopardize our health, scare our landscape and leave an area unsuitable for habitation, their executives and stockholders will loose little sleep over the mess left behind and be smiling as count their profits at the expense of our very habitat.
I solicit your thoughts and ideas on how to proceed in a united effort to stop this mining venture.